Kim Van Haecke
Veni Vidi Vici at Des Moines Regional Competition
Veni Vidi Vici is the mock trial team for Urbandale, however, they are not school-sponsored. School sponsorship means that the school provides, a practice location, funding, coaching, and transportation to competition. The Veni Vidi Vici team practiced at their coach’s law firm. The team is coached by Lisa Purdue and Kim Van Haecke. A team consists of anywhere from 8-10 members. The members of Veni Vidi Vici include Liz Francis, Carly Getter, Lilian Gyure, Ailie McLaren, Callie Ostergaard, Ryn Saylor, Emmett Van Haecke, and Sam Veeder.
In their 2024 season, the team competed in the Des Moines Regional Competition, and advanced to the play-off round the next day. The team tied with their Johnston competition and after an extra conversation, the judges decided to let the Johnston team advance to state.
Mock trial is a competitive intro to the world of law in Iowa. Teams are given case materials that they are then tasked with deciphering in order to prepare materials for their competition. More information can be found at ISBA.org.
Facts Summary:
-Coaches: Lisa Purdue and Kim Van Haecke
-Members: Liz Francis, Carly Getter, Lilian Gyure, Ailie McLaren, Callie Ostergaard, Ryn Saylor, Emmett Van Haecke, and Same Veeder
-Competitions: Des Moines Regional and Des Moines Play-off round