As humanity further evolved, so did entertainment, and ways entertainment could be viewed, and so movies and television shows had formed. Many people watch different movies and shows, but which one do they prefer?
Movies are long visual entertainment which usually keeps people occupied in their free time. You can watch them alone and you can watch them with friends. Movies are anywhere from 1-2 hours long, and some people can sit for a long period of time to finish it while others can’t because they have less of an attention span and may find movies too boring, or not in-depth enough with the story it is about.
There are many different types of genres you can watch with movies as you can with shows, for example horror, comedic, romance, etc., but the difference is, is that usually movies have more people in them and are acted out, and you don’t see as much animated movies out there in the world as you would when you watch a show.
Some people prefer to watch Movies because they are quicker paced than shows are. In fact, shows take time to build up the suspense and ending, while movies do that within two hours. Movies may be better to watch with people as well as movies dedicate less of your time than shows do. Freshman Donovan Kunert said, “I like to be able to watch a story in one sitting, instead of watching it over days or weeks.“ As you can finish a movie or two in less than a day, some shows take up to weeks to finish. You also don’t have to wait for new episodes or seasons to be released. Finally, you can watch a new movie everyday rather than watching the same show every day until you finish it.
Shows are short visual entertainment which usually gets finished over the years, as it is a continuous series of episodes within seasons. You can see a wide variety of shows, half of which are animated and half of which are acted out. If you care enough about the lore and plot of a story than a show would be great for you as that is what they do, and sometimes the writers foreshadow future events, and with the introduction of new characters they bring, means you can potentially learn more about the story and its past from them if they have the knowledge.
Shows are meant for people to watch and stop, then later come back to and watch again. Some popular shows you could have watched when you were younger or you are now are Dragon Ball, Simpsons, The Walking Dead, Octonauts, Teen Titans, Ridiculousness, Baddies, or Shameless.
Shows have changed a lot since they were first introduced, as they were mostly on television channels like Nickelodeon, Adult Swim, Disney, and more. Most shows can now be found on popular streaming apps like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. Some people prefer Shows because they have longer stories, and they put more depth and plot into them to make it more understandable. Shows also have short episodes that are better for people with shorter attention spans and you can watch it anytime. Junior Elma Mondronja said, “I have a short attention span so I can’t really watch over an hour long, and I usually like longer stories.” People also enjoy binge-watching shows, and if they forget what happened in the previous episode, there are usually recaps in the next episode, like in Grey’s Anatomy, Shameless, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, and more shows like these 3, they will give recaps of what happened previously in the last episode before the one you are on starts.
So which do you prefer, watching a movie, or watching a show?